Out of Chaos Comes Order

November 5, 2008

Information is stored in our bodies as Energy. Information we 1] inherit at birth 2] store from past experiences 3] absorb from others 4] receive through our multi-dimensional SOUL or Higher SELF within.

Energetically, inner information is programming that runs our lives. In his book, ‘Biology of Belief’, leading edge cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph. D. states, 95 to 99% of the information in our sub conscious mind drives our behaviour. Amplified by the immutable Law of Cause and Effect, which causes our choices to result in experiences that match the energetic signature we send out

I believe information programs within us cause day to day struggle as humans do what we do; whereas ‘BEING’ human is power to transform present reality into something far greater. SELF discovery, the path less travelled.

Our outer reality was created in the illusion of inner information programs In some cases, information passed on generation to generation without question. What we create in illusion is temporary. Protesting may change the dynamics of a situation, but only temporarily. The ways of doing life, that serve few at the expense of many, are dissolving so we can choose again with new awareness

The mind projects the past and future, causing worry about what was or will be; resulting in anxiety and fear. The non-stop recordings that have us believe we CAN'T and other recorded programs like we're not good enough, not smart enough; too thin, too fat; can't afford this or that; we're losers; are the mind not the REAL you.

The Real you is SOUL Who lives only in the present, loves without conditions and mature equanimity

Our individual inner programming is revealed through people, circumstances and events in our outer life. When triggered e-motionally stop and BREATHE. Your body is asking you to choose again All inner information programs [Energy] seek to be one with us in higher vibration love

Our outer global environment reflects the inner programs of our collective minds

Let’s use a metaphor to understand our present global outer environment. Imagine individuals with their feet planted on two different globes. One foot stands on a familiar world reality created in illusion from  limiting beliefs and the other foot stands on an unfamiliar world reality where body mind sprit are one

Individuals are trying to stabilize and balance between two realities facing a great unknown in the middle that frightens the conscious mind.

The chaos caused by business NOT as usual in the form of instability, fear and anxiety in our global outer environment is a reflection of US, trying to balance between 1] familiar matter [body mind] and unfamiliar spirit [SOUL] Did you see the word LOVE spelled backwards in EVOLution?

If you feel resistance as you read, BREATHE! Every negative e-motion is an opportunity to   transform the illusion. Focus on your heart. BREATHE and intentionally surround negative feelings with love. Love dis-empowers limiting beliefs , calms the body and SELF empowers. 

When we summon the courage and choose REAL love, we transform limiting beliefs causing perceived distortions, into results that are desirable.   New awareness requires practice; practice truly reveals WHAT we are and why we are here.

SELF discovery is finding the REAL you. As we move through the chaos our choices are to try and hold on to same old same old or re-member BEING SOUL, a particle of Consciousness the only power that is REAL, allowing SOULutions to flow through us into our world.

The SHIFT is not about the end of the world per se; the SHIFT is about ending the illusions; replacing perceived limitations with limitless possibilities. Pioneers, choosing the path seldom to never travelled are paving the way for those without Internet access, without money, food, shelter or education. One body mind spirit, one humanity. We are the ONE we have been waiting for.

Ponder this: Are Internet, communication and other technologies on time and purpose, uniting us globally so we can support one another through the SHIFT? Is the election of Senator Barack Obama a signal? I leave the answers to you. 

The Next Frontier – Ease and Flow

October 31, 2008

Newer sciences like quantum physics reveal everything is Energy. At the tiniest level measurable, seen and unseen Energy is interconnected. To open the mind to oneness, imagine Alphabet Soup with all the different alphabets interconnected through a common broth. Now, imagine all forms of life [alpha bits] each a unique particle of Consciousness, interconnected in a single invisible sea of Conscious Source Energy [broth].


Every birth expresses a unique particle of Consciousness unmatched through all space and time. As unique particles of indescribable, limitless, un-seen Consciousness permeating penetrating and filling all creation, thinking makes us creators.


WE are the effect causing things to happen through our beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and feelings; all Energy with power to cause results. Consciousness expresses, experiences and expands in unique and limitless ways through all of Its creations. How can IT be otherwise?


Through the immutable Law of Cause and Effect, the Energy level or vibration of every choice attracts a matching vibration. What we cause others to experience we too shall experience. In other words we reap what we sow. Take without permission and someone will take from you without permission, judge and you will be judged. There are no victims only absence of conscious awareness. When you are unhappy choose again, with new awareness.


A quantum shift in our awareness is causing a wave of high vibration Energy to expand , as millions align on purpose, creating another reality in truth; fair, care, share. Google: Cultural Creatives.


Care to go deeper? Ending day to day struggle is an INSIDE job! Seek and find your inner truth, which is Soul, a particle or cell of Consciousness the only power that is real. As creators, only ‘limiting’ beliefs delay our happiness, joy, abundance and inner peace. As Gandhi said, “The path to world peace is through individual inner peace.” Individual inner peace mirrored in our outer world allows us to redirect limitless funding to solve human and environmental imbalances.


 Flip a switch in a dark room and there is light, because dark and light cannot co-exist in the same space at the same time. Similarly, when we flip our heart light on through loving choices, our love light displaces darkness.


It is our belief in separation that causes darkness or low vibration lack, pain, suffering and war. Believing we are separate from Inner Being Soul, from one another and other kingdoms [alpha bits] and from a single vast sea of Conscious Source Energy [broth]; energizes and sustains darkness. Collectively we can shift this reality into something far greater.


Newer sciences are shattering former limiting views of our world and how life works. New awareness invites us to look at ourselves another way. Uniting body mind spirit frees agape love, raising our vibration, uplifting all creation and closes the gap between who we think we are and WHAT we truly are.




A quick summary shall we?


We are here exploring another reality; experiencing who we are not until we re-member WHAT we truly are; unique particles [alpha bits] of Source Consciousness, evolving in an invisible sea of Conscious Source Energy [broth] limited only by our beliefs.


Thinking makes us creators causing things to happen. With new awareness and training we can bring distortions to correction [consciously choose again].


As creators, real or imagined what we focus on expands; what we oppose grows! Focusing on what we want attracts more of what we want; focusing on what we do not want [judge, complain, criticize, protest] attracts more of what we do not want.


Do the research! Turn on your heart light! Unite your physicality [Matter] and Inner Being Soul [Spirit]. Think of someone that triggers you emotionally and surround them with love right now. Our only two choices are to curse or bless. What we choose returns to us. Why take my word for IT when you can experience Inner Truth yourself?

Loving choices allow the light of Soul to flow through us into our world with lasting SOULutions. The next frontier is not OUT there; it is within every one of us.
Our greatest potential for joy, peace of mind, abundance and wellness is a relation-SHIFT with ourselves first! Our SOUL purpose is to re-member oneness; evolving Spirit and Matter as one.


We have journeyed long and far. It is time to bring IT all HOME … as above so below … the next frontier is the evolution of humanity to a higher vision of WHAT we truly are, one body mind spirit co-creating Heaven On Mother Earth.


When we earthlings [below] re-member Soul and choose love, we reflect the love of Spirit, The Great un-seen Conscious Power behind all creation [above].


As above so below WHEN we turn on our heart light. In the doing, comes the knowing.


February 15, 2009

Welcome to Canada Barack Obama! It is an honour to welcome your presence and the purity of truth you embody; felt by many because the physical body knows only truth.


I applaud your courage to lead during this unprecedented shift in the EVOLution of physicality. And with permission I ask to plant a seed of new awareness for you to nurture and harvest if moved to do so.


Frontier science reveals our inner and outer environment respond to one another; shattering limiting views of our world and changing the game board of life; something our mental and emotional body have a hard time dealing with.


Training and development in the past, focused on 3 elements of a 4 body system; our physical, mental and emotional body.


In the absence of aligning our spiritual body, what we created in limited consciousness is temporary and no longer sustainable, forcing humanity to choose again with higher awareness found only within. Albert Einstein knew this and encouraged us to explore beyond the familiar stating, ‘Problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness [thinking] that caused those problems in the first place.’


The economic crisis, severe and threatening climate changes, escalating unemployment and other chaos are signals.


The root cause of all distortion is our belief in separation; believing our physical, mental, emotional body is separate from our inner spiritual body or Soul; separate from one other, from Earth and other kingdoms and separate from single Source Consciousness permeating, penetrating, filling all Creation.


The way out of perceived chaos is within; what we create from within is authentic and lasting.


Those go within seldom go without.


May the aware ones, following inner guidance, unite to inspire and serve the unaware, so that all may awaken more gently!



Click GENESIS http://www.elevateexperience.com

Like caterpillars emerge from a chrysalis, we are awakening from limited consciousness.

Taking the Twist out of Infinity – going where no Earthlings have gone before!

January 18, 2009

Uni-verse. One song in the hearts of many – UNITY

Welcome President Elect Barack Obama and your administration, as you align with millions of people around the world laser focused on creating a higher vibration reality!

And thank you George Bush and your administration, for leading us through the dark night of Soul; inviting us to witness what we DO NOT want, causing many global communities to unite in a desire to create something better.  

As pioneers in the illusion of separation, human systems created in limited consciousness serving few at the expense of many are no longer sustainable.  

The global economic crisis, severe and threatening climate changes, escalating unemployment and chaos, signal it is time for Earthlings to consciously awaken within. In other words, it is time for humans in physical form to GRADUATE to the next planned phase of EVOLution and I suggest we are in the middle of writing our final exams now.  

Einstein encouraged us to go beyond the familiar when he said, ‘Problems cannot be solved at the same level of Consciousness [thinking] that caused those problems in the first place.”  It is more than coincidence to learn frontier science now reveals that our inner and outer environments respond to one another. 

Oneness is eternal; known by many names including God, Spirit, Universe, Allah, Yahweh, Source, Consciousness, Light, Love or Other Name. Some sparks of Consciousness shine brighter than others; however there is only the One; no matter how dim lit a being appears to be or do.  

Ponder this … the root cause of all pain, suffering, fear, judgment, criticism, blame, lack, limitation, war and the like is our belief in separation … believing our body separate from Soul or spark of the One within each of us; separate from one another, Earth and other kingdoms and separate from Consciousness Itself.    

It is said there is no blueprint for Earth beyond 2012. I suggest in this freewill zone, we script tomorrow with every today choice. If graduation in this Uni-verse is one song in the hearts of many, or unity in conscious community, what will we choose?

The Source of Energy to power our global economy and bring distortions to lasting correction is Consciousness, creative intelligence within each of us preparing to re-member, before we take ourselves over the edge. 

Imagine physicality on Earth at this point in EVOLution, where we experience duality as light or dark; up or down; cold or hot. To illustrate this duality further, take a large round elastic band and twist it in the center causing an infinity symbol or number 8. 

Now imagine the two circles or ovals represent life in limited consciousness; high vibration light on one side and low vibration dark on the other side. 

Untwisting the center creates a circle of oneness, causing the light of full consciousness to transform darker limited consciousness.  

What if consciously embracing darkness, you know what I mean, looking at people, events and circumstances that we judge, criticize or blame when they mis-align with our belief system   … another way? Belief systems created in limited consciousness that imprison us until we choose otherwise. We do indeed reap what we sow; it is the natural law of cause and effect just like gravity.  

What if every time we embraced darkness we untwist the illusion of separation allowing the light of new awareness to flow into the darkness?  And what if, as more of us courageously embrace dark parts of ourselves we do not yet understand, which is low vibration ENERGY in the form of limiting beliefs we inherited from past generations; absorbed from individuals we trusted and admired, or from unpleasant experiences in cellular memory causing the e-motion [energy in motion] of fear in our body … what if loving those dark parts of us, allowed the twist to reverse a little bit more and more until there is only light?   

Killing in the name of limiting beliefs is a choice.

The new currencies are willingness to look at what we truly are another way; courage to re-member inner truth aligning with Soul within to bring distortions to lasting correction [SOULutions] and love without conditions allowing us to go where NO HUMAN RACE HAS GONE BEFORE; loving the dark into brilliant light.  

When we consciously embrace all as One and reach critical mass, the tipping point or 100th Monkey, I believe our LIGHT WILL SHINE SO BRIGHTLY THAT OUR BRILLIANCE WILL CHANGE THE NATURE OF PHYSICALITY FOREVER!

The HOPI prophesize, “We are the One we are waiting for.”

What we truly are cannot be taught, only experienced. In the doing comes the knowing.


My Truth

November 14, 2008
Brief audio from Doreen  Out of chaos comes order

Early retirement after 33 years in sales, marketing, logistics, environment, health, safety and executive management allowed Doreen to play a bigger game; expand conscious awareness or inner wisdom. Three years later inner wisdom guided Doreen to embrace cancer as a particle of One Creator Creation [SOULution] restoring her biology naturally and permanently.


Einstein told us, “Problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness [thinking] that caused those problems.” Doreen helps individuals explore the emerging, fully-conscious human experience. “Finding higher purpose in life’s perceived distortions allows us to bring them to correction [SOULution] moving us closer to the life we truly desire.”


Inner Overwhelm or Inner Peace?

October 29, 2008

Imagine you and I are in an aircraft right now, surveying life on Earth. The shifting landscape is getting everyone’s attention without exception. I believe this shift is on time and purpose. What are some of the changes we see?


Ø  Individuals uniting globally to create new awareness and quantum improvements through Internet, e-articles, Blogs, chat rooms


Ø  Newer sciences like quantum physics and branches like Epigenetics and Signal Transduction shattering former views of our world and how life works

Ø  Evolution and expansion of technology, changing the dynamics of life

Ø  Corporate giants and infrastructures collapsing [economic meltdown]


Unimaginable numbers of people losing their homes



Careers shifting from long to short term


Ø  Jobs exported to poor countries changing the dynamics of manufacturing,

production and distribution in rich countries

Ø  Limitless funds to kill rather than support life


Behaviors serving few at the expense of many have fewer places to hide


Ø  Anything less than truth rising to the surface, inviting individuals to choose again, with new awareness

Ø  Time speeding up


Individuals on overwhelm, as companies repeatedly try to get an audience with human’s brains and emotions

The reality we grew up with and perceived stable is just one of limitless realities. Reality is caused by our beliefs, thoughts, words, feelings and behaviors; all energy causing results. In essence, we attract what we believe.

For those familiar with the Butterfly Effect; our reality is changing faster and faster because of new awareness embraced by millions of individuals. Awareness of the evolution of Life Itself and the invitation in front of us to choose again, consciously.

Someone once said, “The only way out of chaos is through IT.”

IT showed up for me in the form of cancer in 2007. I embraced cancer as a gift to know what I truly am, and as a teacher to create new awareness. Reality is what I align with for my eyes to see, not what my eyes show my mind!

A principle of quantum physics reveals: within every problem is its emerging solution.

The SOULution to our present economic meltdown is for individuals to seek and find new awareness within ourselves.

The SOULution to end suffering, lack, pain, war, limitation, human and environmental imbalances is to release attachment to our belief in separation. To change our outer environment requires us to change our inner environment, first. The place to begin is to connect our physical body and Inner Being Soul or Spirit, the only power that is real.

When we are willing to re-member one body mind spirit, we raise our love quotient and experience peace within. When we align with Inner Being Soul, SOULutions flow through us into the world.

Inner peace allows us to replace; judgment, criticism and blame with tolerance; anger with acceptance; confusion with clarity; guilt with dignity; overwhelm with peace of mind.

A quote by anthropologist Margaret Mead. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed IT is the only thing that ever has.”

Our Inner Being Soul is a particle or cell of Consciousness, Spirit, Life, Agape Love, Expressing, Experiencing, Expanding and Evolving through Its many creations.

May your journey home to the REAL you, be full of wonder, joy, peace and love.